A responsive website is one that adapts to any kind of device – an iPad, smartphone, tablet or a laptop. As customers are doing lot more than searching and browsing on their mobile devices, businesses are prompted to design websites that are device- friendly, easy-to-navigate and provide better user-experience. A responsive website is cut out to address all these needs.
Here are 6 compelling reasons why a responsive website can make a difference for you.
Rapidly Increasing Mobile Internet Usage
The need for a mobile-friendly website is on the rise! Previously, much before the responsive design was introduced, businesses used to maintain two different websites – the main site and a mobile-friendly version. Now, with the introduction of responsive design, this duplication has been removed, thereby making maintenance hassle-free too.
The Best UX
Responsive design provides the best user-experience for the visitors of the website irrespective of the device they are browsing on. Here, the user need not have to play around zooming out or pinching in to view the entire content. All the content gets automatically adjusted to the device’s screen making user navigation on the site convenient and easy. Hence, a responsive website is the key to create a positive user-experience.
Content Management Systems Look for Responsive Design
Content management systems prefer to use responsive design themes so that site maintenance and updating gets easier later on. Web marketing and Content Management Systems (CMS) go hand in hand as it is the preferred mode of delivering quality content across websites. Most commonly used CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal have all recognized the need for responsive website.
An Investment made Fruitful
Responsive website is definitely a fruitful investment for the future. Though businesses have to initially invest a good amount in terms of hiring the services of an expert web designer with the expertise in responsive design, nonetheless, it is worth the investment as it makes things easier and cost effective over a period of time. This also means staying ahead in a challenging and competitive scenario.
Search Engine Optimization Goes for Responsive Design
Search Engine Optimization demands a responsive design too. Recent studies have proven that mobile internet usage has overtaken desktop internet usage. Businesses that have SEO as the major component in their digital marketing strategy opt for mobile-friendly websites and responsive designs in particular. A speedy and responsive website attracts more traffic. Most of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing opt for responsive designs in the websites as compared to others. Google, in fact, claims to look out for responsive design as one of the best practices of the industry.
Blogging and Social media Activities on Mobile
These days, social interactions on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are carried out through mobiles. If blogging and social media are incorporated into your business strategy, then the need for a mobile-friendly website is essential as the target audience for these sites demand mobile user-friendly maneuvering.
Just Wrapping Up!
It’s time you check if you have a responsive website. Gear up! Here comes the new era of web designing – the responsive way.
Image Credits: Wikimedia
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