Perhaps every marketer in the recent years would vouch this statement. Why not? Digital marketing services have made marketer’s life a lot easier than a couple of years ago. Thanks to the developments in internet and mobile technology, what was a challenge some time back is now a reality – targeted messaging to the right audience at the right time with quantifiable results!
Meet your Market
Today, your customer is none other than a smartphone user. As more and more smartphones are being used for buying related activities such as research, comparing, consulting, ordering, sharing etc. marketers by deploying digital marketing tactics are able to get clear insights about the target markets. In stark contrast to traditional marketing in the past, where media such as print, TV and radio always meant communicating to the mass market irrespective of its segmentation. In the recent years, based on the geographical locations and demographic segmentation, marketers are able to design a marketing strategy to suit every target market and segment.
Convenience of Cost
Unlike traditional marketing, where advertising in media such as print or television burnt a big hole in your pocket, digital marketing gives you the flexibility to plan your marketing budgets based on closely monitored market responses. Digital marketing has the same quality effect on the target market; companies can kick-start their digital marketing activities on a modest scale and increase gradually. They are able to closely monitor the market response to their activities and make adjustments accordingly to their budgets and methods. Misconceptions about small businesses make it even more difficult for startups and small ventures to plan their marketing budgets. In such a situation, digital marketing is indeed a boon to startups as they can operate on shoe-string budgets.
Better Engagement
Gone are the days when messaging was all about mass communication. Today, customers are always on the go, always connected and prefer to have individual conversions with company. Digital marketing with social media activities is indeed the right tool for companies to establish that direct contact with their customers. Companies are not only able to connect with their customers better but build an engagement with them by means of two-way interactive communication. They are no longer conveying just messages; they are now part of customer interactions – getting closer and understanding customer needs better and fine tuning their marketing efforts as well to address those needs. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest etc. have witnessed a huge surge in marketing activities by companies in the recent years.
Measurable Results
Perhaps the biggest advantage of digital marketing is its ability to monitor any marketing effort. With the growth in digital technology and the availability of various analytics tools, today, results of marketing efforts can be best measured. There is more customer data than ever before to analyze buyer’s behavior – what connects with him/her, preferences, dislikes and understand consumer decision journey as well. Based on market driven data such as bounce rates, conversions etc. marketers get detailed information on the performance of a marketing effort. Detailed quantitative and qualitative data available makes it much easier for marketers to clearly define their target market, the target audience, what message to be conveyed and decide on the channel/ media that best suits the audience to convey the message. Hence, companies can run marketing activities on a small scale initially, measure the results and then increase their operations.
Can Digital Marketing Replace Traditional Marketing
That’s not possible. Traditional marketing methods such as print advertising still commands an impact on the audience mind. Hence, digital marketing and traditional marketing have to work in tandem complementing each other. Marketers have realized the combined impact of both and are consciously working on marketing strategies that have an optimal mix of digital and traditional marketing tactics. Nevertheless, all marketing efforts have to accomplish one of the most important marketing objectives – establish the right connect with their customers and encourage them towards purchase action.
Indeed, digital marketing is the way ahead. You can’t help but love digital marketing!
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