In today’s digital world, your website is the most important interface with your customer. Hence, the web content has to be interesting and compelling enough to get the visitor hooked to your website. Better take the fact that your customer decides if your website is worth continuing reading with a pinch of salt, let alone appreciating its creative content. As the visitor lands your website, the first couple of seconds are very crucial as it is important to create that ‘hook’ to retain the visitor for a longer period.
Then, how do you develop a compelling content? Here are 6 pointers to guide you through your activity
Visitors don’t read. They scan or glance
That’s true! When it comes to web content, visitors are not the same readers who sift through printed text. Rather, they prefer quickly glancing through the web copy by picking up words and then judging if they have to continue a little longer on that page or not. Hence, less is more over here.
Let your most important information appear first
Conventional essay writing would open with an introduction to the topic, followed by an elaborate discussion supported with facts, and wrapped up with a conclusion. However, web content needs to be treated the opposite way. Put your most important information first. This is also the best way to attract the attention of the visitor who lands on your website. Needless to say, it is this important information that creates the ‘hook’.
Keep your web content simple and use familiar words
We are certainly not against creativity. However, we fear that your website might get caught in a ‘creative clutter’ and fail to do the basic thing – getting the visitor hooked to your website. Thus, put a hold to your creativity for the moment and develop your web copy that is clear and simple. Think like people who are looking for specific information on the web. Use familiar words they may probably use during their searches so that it makes it easier to spot that information on your website. Avoid embellishing your sentences with fancy words.
Treat each web page as the ‘landing page’
Unlike a book, where you have the reader start from the beginning, your visitor could come from any of your webpages. Perhaps it entirely depends on what information he was looking for. Hence, all your web pages should be treated like your landing page. In the sense, it should have the relevant information and catchy enough to have the visitor ‘hooked’ to that page.
Know your audience
This is central to your entire web content activity – knowing your audience. You develop the web content keeping in mind your target audience. If you are catering to a niche industry then the copy writer needs to be aware of the industry related terminologies as well. Also, no matter which industry you cater, the primary objective should be to convey the information in a simple way that can connect with your audience.
Check the overall look and approach
It also matters on how to present the web content. Play around with fond style, size and its effects such as bold, italics or capital case to check if your copy is able to make that impact. Take care to write short paragraphs of 3-4 lines with simple sentences and an easy-to-understand tone. Avoid passive voice in statements. Try not to use jargon and terminologies as much as possible.
Your website is your first step in initiating a conversation with your potential customer. Place it right; get started with your web copy and check how well it works for you!
Image Credit: Don Hankins
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